Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Hello world!

Hello and Welcome!

This blog, as you can tell from the title, revolves around technology. Now there are many great technology blogs out there, who have been at this for much longer than I have. I do tip my hat to those of you who I read up on. What is the difference between those blogs and mine is that I will be loading this page with tons of useful resources for the multisphere of venues that exist in multimedia, a.k.a. digital media. Also, whenever possible, I will post "how-to" videos on topics such as Web Design, Graphic Design, Video Editing Audio Recording & Mixing, Game Design and much more.

"Yes", this is an ambitious and aggressive project, but as a Digital Media Specialist, I get contracts that require me to work in any number of aspects of the digital realm. Some aspects, such as 3D Animation, are foreign to me. I love animation/anime, but, I never thought about actually creating my own, let alone, create material for someone else. Yet, I've had to produce a couple of short pieces of 3D animation - of which, I can only demonstrate one of them. Many of my contracts are under a non-disclosure cause and therefore I cannot showcase those assignments. However, when I come across a technique or some software that perhaps someone out there may benefit from, I will give a review on that software and/or produce a tutorial for that software.

Currently, I'm involved with the updating of one client website; the maintenance of another site, which is about to go through a massive re-design; the design of not one but two digital portfolio; and about three other sites - for which, I don't collect a cent for these last three. I'm also involved with the promotion of "the client" website ranging from SEO to the Social Networking scene to getting the work my client does onto e-book websites, such as Scribd; as well as utilizing media server such as YouTube; and much more.

Over time, I will post information about my journey's through the world of design, development, production and distribution. Hopefully, this will shed some light on what we do here at VISIONES - the Spanish word for "visions". I hope you can come along and help to spread the "concept" of creating a technology-savvy community.

Again, "Welcome" and "Thanks"!!!


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